Do you know the history behind the green of our logo ?
Since our creation in 2014, RealDev has always been committed to the environnemental cause. From different angles, we simplement actions to reduce our impact on the planet.
RealDev has four approaches :

Our facilities
Our offices are in buildings that were built with a green mindset.
In Brussels, our headquarter is located the "Buro & Design Center" building which is one of the most eco-friendly buildings in the capital city. Buro & Design Center pays special attention to the sustainable energy performance.
The facility is well-isolated and creates the majority of its electricity through solar panels placed on the roof.
Our internal measures
The Zero Paper Policy :
- We want to avoid the use of paper. That is why we do most part of our internal processes using our intranet. We only print documents when it is mandatory for a specific paperwork or legal procedure.
The use of customised containers :
- We also want to avoid the use disposable cups. Therefore we decided to make a kit of several containers including personalised mugs, thermos and water bottles for our team.
Mobility Policy
At RealDev, we have a sustainable Mobility Policy which includes three different points.
- We provide a car to our collaborators when it is needed for the job position.
- For 2026, our fleet will be made up with only Full Electric cars.
- Every member of RealDev has a Sustainable Mobility budget included in their package. We foster the use of bikes, public transport and car sharing.